We care for Seneca Creek in many ways. Join us!
Trash pickup events
Many times a year we host trash pickup events along the trails and from the water of Seneca Creek. Check our “Events” post for details on upcoming or recent work.
Photo: Event hosted by Calleva and Earth Stewardship East on Seneca Creek.
Seneca Creek Assessments
We do a variety of stream assessments to measure water quality and sample macroinvertebrates. Helping one of our trained team leaders is a great way to learn more about Seneca Creek. Ann Smith is leading a series of site assessments to create an updated record of Seneca Creek. Kevin Misener has for years done regular macroinvertebrate sampling on Seneca Creek using the Audubon Society’s protocols. We hope to add citizen science projects to assess salt levels in the winter and lab testing for E. coli, microplastics and other contaminants.
Doing native plant rescue at stream restoration site.
Protecting stream ecosystems
We try to protect the plants and animals living in and near Seneca Creek and its tributaries. Sometimes we do this through direct action. Transplanting native plants which would otherwise be bulldozed is one example. We also advocate on behalf of the watershed when government or businesses plan acts that will be destructive to the stream or its ecosystems.
Invasive Plants
We take on the impossible task of removing invasive plants so that native plants have a chance to grow and provide habitat.
Our watershed is being strangled by invasive plants. PLEASE HELP US!
We need you!
Whatever your interests, there is a way for you to serve at SCWP. If you have other projects ideas we welcome your input.